• Publication Fee


    According to the new policy imposed by the journal administration, from September 1, 2022, corresponding authors are requested to pay the publication charge as mentioned below to the following account number: 

    Bank Melli Iran, Tehran University Branch, Code 87, Tehran, Iran, Account number of Iranian Scientific Society of Medical Entomology and Vector Control; 0108306508001Shaba account numberIR 860170000000108306508001.


    Article Type for Iranian (RLs):

    Review articles: 12,000,000 RLs, (Review articles proposed by editor in chief will be published free of charge)

    Original article: 12,000,000 RLs

    Short Communication: 8,000,000 RLs

    Case Report: 5,000,000 RLs

     Letter to the Editor: Free of charge.


    • For reviewers who accept 3 referred papers and complete the reviewing process in the expected time, one of her/his papers will be published free of charge.
    • 50% reduction of publication fee will be allocated to:

    - The members of the Iranian Scientific Society of Medical Entomology and Vector Control who pay the membership.

    - The editorial boards of Journal.

    -  The reviewers (review less than 3 papers yearly).


    Please note that the paper will be published after paying the publication fee. Please send us the payment invoice.

    Read more about Publication Fee