Larvicidal Activity of Ethyl Acetate Extract of Derris elliptica Root against the Third-instar Larvae of Cypermethrin-Resistant Aedes aegypti Offspring
Background: Derris elliptica extracts have a high larvicidal potential against the laboratory strain of Aedes aegypti larvae, but the effect on offspring larvae of pyrethroid-resistant strains of the species is lack understood. This study aimed to determine the larvicidal activity of the ethyl acetate extract of tuba root against the third-instar larvae of the Cypermethrin-resistant Ae. aegypti offspring.
Methods: The experimental study occupied four levels of ethyl acetate extract of D. elliptica namely 10, 25, 50, and 100 ppm, and each level was four times replicated. As many as twenty of healthy third-instar larvae, offspring of Cypermethrin-resistant Ae. aegypti were subjected to each experiment group. Larval mortality rate and lethal concentration 50% subject (LC50) were calculated after 24 and 48 hours of exposure time.
Results: Mortality of larvae increased directly proportional to the increase of extract concentration. Larval mortality rates after 24 and 48 hours of exposure were 40–67.5% and 62.5–97.5%, and LC50 were 34.945 and 6.461ppm, respectively.
Conclusion: The ethyl acetate extract of D. elliptica has the high effectiveness larvicidal potential against the third-instar larvae, offspring of the Cypermethrin-resistant Ae. aegypti. Isolation of the specific compound is necessarily done to obtain the active ingredient for larvicide formulation.
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Issue | Vol 14 No 4 (2020) | |
Section | Original Article | |
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Larvicidal activity; Ethyl acetate extract; Derris elliptica root; Cypermethrin resistant; Aedes aegypti |
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