Original Article

Evaluation of Essential Oil and its Three Main Active Ingredients of Chinese Chenopodium ambrosioides (Family: Chenopodiaceae) against Blattella germanica


Background: The efficacy of essential oil of Chenopodium ambrosioides flowering aerial parts and its three main active ingredients was evaluated against Blattella germanica male adults.
Methods: Composition of essential oil was determined by GC-MS. Topical application bioassay was used to evalu- ate contact toxicity of essential oil and three main components. Fumigant toxicity of essential oil and its main com- ponents was measured using a sealed space method.
Results: Twenty-two components were identified in the essential oil and the main components were (Z)-ascaridole(29.7%), isoascaridole (13.0%), ρ-cymene (12.7%) and piperitone (5.0%). The essential oil and (Z)-ascaridole, isoascaridole and r-cymene possessed fumigant toxicity against male German cockroaches with LC50 values of 4.13,0.55, 2.07 and 6.92 mg/L air, respectively. Topical application bioassay showed that all the three compounds weretoxic to male German cockroaches and (Z)-ascaridole was the strongest with a LD50 value of 22.02 mg/adult while the crude oil with a LD50 value of 67.46 mg/adult.
Conclusion: The essential oil from Chinese C. ambrosioides and its three main active ingredients may be explored as natural potential insecticides in the control of cockroaches.

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IssueVol 6 No 2 (2012) QRcode
SectionOriginal Article
Blattella germanica Chenopodium ambrosioides Essential oil Fumigant Contact toxicity

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How to Cite
Xiang-Zhu W, Zhao K, Sha-Chu S, Long-Liu Z. Evaluation of Essential Oil and its Three Main Active Ingredients of Chinese Chenopodium ambrosioides (Family: Chenopodiaceae) against Blattella germanica. J Arthropod Borne Dis. 2015;6(2):90-97.