A Five-Year Trend of Malaria Parasitemia with Coverage and Use of the Major Control Interventions in Itang District, Gambella Region, Western Ethiopia (2017–2021)
Background: One of the main global public health issues that affect several facets of the population is malaria. Ethiopia primarily uses Indoor Residual Spraying (IRS) and Long-lasting Insecticidal Nets (LLINs) as lifesaving frontline malaria vector prevention and control interventions. This study intends to assess the trend of malaria prevalence and coverage and utilization of IRS and LLINs in Itang district, western Ethiopia.
Methods: A retrospective analysis was conducted on malaria cases reported by Health Centers from 2017 to 2021. Data were gathered between July 02, 2021, and October 30, 2021, using a community-based cross-sectional household survey to evaluate the coverage and utilization of IRS and LLINs. The chi-square test was used to compare the trend of malaria prevalence among sex and age groups. Statistical significance was considered at P< 0.05.
Results: Among 4,500 patients with suspected cases of malaria, 40% of the cases had microscopically confirmed malaria. Plasmodium falciparum was more prevalent than P. vivax in the district. Only 368 (38.25%) people slept under the net yesterday night out of the 962 people who utilized it overall during the study period. 127 (63.5%) households reported no insecticide spraying in the past 12 months, while 73 (36.5%) reported their houses were sprayed.
Conclusion: The number of malaria cases reached its peak in 2019 and hit its lowest point in 2021. Results show that IRS and LLINs coverage and utilization were poor and warrant community awareness and support by all concerned bodies.
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Malaria; Prevalence; Indoor Residual Spraying; Long-lasting Insecticidal Nets; Anopheles mosquito |
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