Purification of the Immunogenic Fractions and Determination of Toxicity in Mesobuthus eupeus (Scorpionida: Buthidae) Venom
Background: Scorpions stings are a health problem in many parts of the world. Mesobuthus eupeus (Buthidae) is the most prevalent species in the Middle East and Central Asia. Definition of toxicogenic and immunogenic characteris- tics of the venom is necessary to produce antidote. In this study, the noted properties of M. eupeus venom were eval- uated.
Methods: Venom was obtained by milking M. eupeus scorpions for lyophilization. Toxicity was determined after injecting the venom to albino mice and calculating LD50. Polyclonal antibodies against M. eupeus venom were ob- tained from immunized rabbits. The CH-Sepharose 4B column was used for isolating the specific antibodies. 10 mg of the affinity-purified antibodies were conjugated with a CH-Sepharose 4B column and M. eupeus venom was ap- plied to the column. The bound fragments were eluted using hydrogen chloride (pH: 2.5). Crude venom and affinity- purified fractions of the venom were analyzed by SDS-PAGE technique.
Results: Lethal dose (LD) was 8.75, 11.5 and 4.5 mg/kg for IP, SC and IV respectively. The LD50 of M. eupeus venom was 6.95 mg/kg. The crude venom had 12 detectable bands with molecular weights of 140, 70, 50, 33, 30, 27,22, 18, 14, 10 kDa and two bands less than 5 kDa. The affinity-purified venom presented eight bands. The 27 kDa band was clearly sharper than other bands but 70, 18, 10 and one of the less than 5 kDa bands were not observed.
Conclusions: Contrary to popular belief, which know scorpion venom as non-immunogenic composition, the current study was shown that the most fractions of the M. eupeus are immunogenic.
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Immunogenic Mesobuthus eupeus Scorpion Toxicogenic Venom |
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