PCR-based Detection of Babesia spp. Infection in Collected Ticks from Cattle in West and North-West of Iran
Background: Babesiosis is a haemoparasitic disease of domestic and wild animals caused by species of the genusBabesia. Babesia bigemina, B. bovis and B. divergens are known to be pathogenic in cattle. The disease is transmit- ted during blood feeding by infected ticks and is the most economically important tick-borne disease in tropical and subtropical areas. Ixodid ticks are vectors in the transmission of babesiosis. The classic presentation is a febrile syn- drome with apparent anemia and hemoglobinuria. This study was carried out to determine species of bovine Babesia spp. vector ticks collected from naturally occurring bovine babesiosis in West and North-West of Iran.
Methods: Two hundred and eleven ticks were collected from 113 cattle and ticks' species were identified using the standard taxonomic keys. After DNA extraction from salivary glands of each tick, the presence of Babesia spp. in- fection in ticks was examined by PCR method using primers derived from the gene encoding rhoptry protein.
Results: Rhipicephalus sanguineus and R. bursa ticks were infected with bovine Babesia spp.
Conclusion: Rhipicephalus spp. may play a major role in the transmission of infection of bovine Babesia spp. in West and North-West of Iran.
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Babesia Iran PCR Rhipicephalus bovine |
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