
Wash Resistance and Bioefficacy of Alpha-cypermethrin Long Lasting Impregnated Nets (LLIN-Interceptor(®)) against Anopheles stephensi using Tunnel Test


Background: The Long-lasing insecticide impregnated nets (LLINs) is considered as an effective tools for malaria vector control. The aim of this study was to evaluate the residual efficacy of alpha-cypermethrin long lasting im- pregnated nets (LLIN-Interceptor®) against Anopheles stephensi using tunnel test.
Methods: The wash-resistance of Interceptor® nets were assessed under laboratory conditions using tunnel test. Females of An. stephensi were released into the tunnel and then they were provided blood meals from guinea pigs.Bed nets were washed according to the standard procedure up to 20 times. The bioefficacy indicators such as inhi- bition of bloodmeal from experimental animal, knockdown, irritancy rate, survival rate, entry index and mortality were calculated.
Results: It induced 90–100% mortalities in the population of An. stephensi up to 15 washes. The KT50 values re- duced from 73.47 to 26.30 minutes in unwashed in comparison to one washed, respectively. The mean of mortality rate of blood-feeding inhibition and entry indexes was reached to 91.6%±2.8, 87.0±3.4 and 24.9±2.8 respectively after 20 washing.
Conclusion: This net could provide a good personal protection against malaria vectors and could induce relatively high mortality, inhibit the blood-feeding as well as reduce the entry rates of female mosquitoes even after several washes.

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Alpha-cypermethrin Anopheles stephensi LLINs Tunnel test

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Vatandoost H, Mamivandpoor H, Abai MR, Shayeghi M, Rafi F, Raeisi A, Nikpoor F. Wash Resistance and Bioefficacy of Alpha-cypermethrin Long Lasting Impregnated Nets (LLIN-Interceptor(®)) against Anopheles stephensi using Tunnel Test. J Arthropod Borne Dis. 1;7(1):31-45.