A Retrospective Study on Scropionism in Iran (2002–2011)
Background: Scorpion sting is a common medical emergency in Iran. The epidemiological features and control of such cases vary from south to north. This review will provide new information about the epidemiology of scorpion stings in different provinces of Iran.
Methods: In this descriptive retrospective study, data on scorpionism including incidence rates, mortality as well as locality from 2002 to 2011were collected.
Results: Overall, 433203 victims of scorpion stings had been referred to health centers from of all of the 31 provinces. The incidence of scorpion stings in 100000 populations was from 54.8 to 66. The highest rate of scorpion stings occurred among the 25–34 yr old group. The highest incidence of scorpion stings during 2011 was observed in Khuzestan Province and the lowest number in Mazandaran Province. The peak number of human cases (scorpion stings) was recorded during May to August.
Conclusion: Scorpion stings in Iran are high. It is necessary that physicians and health care professionals should be familiar with local scorpions, especially those that are potentially more dangerous than others, the effective treatment protocols, and supportive care as well as their control of scorpionism
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Issue | Vol 11 No 2 (2017) | |
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Scorpion stings Epidemiology Iran |
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