Application of Acoustical Processor Reactors for Degradation of Diazinon from Surface Water
Background: Since organophosphorus pesticides are widely used for industry and insect control in agricultural crops, their fate in the environment is very important. Pesticide contamination of surface water has been recognized as a major contaminant in world because of their potential toxicity towards human and animals. The objective of this research was to investigate the influence of various parameters including the influence of time, power, and initial concentration on degradation of diazinon pesticide.
Methods: The sonochemical degradation of diazinon was investigated using acoustical processor reactor. Acoustical processor reactor with 130 kHz was used to study the degradation of pesticide solution. Samples were analyzed using HPLC at different time intervals. Effectiveness of APR at different times (20, 40, 60, 80, 100, and 120 min), concentrations (2, 4 and 8 mg/L) and powers (300W, 400W, 500W) were compared.
Results: The degradation of the diazinon at lower concentrations was greater in comparison to higher concentrations. There was also direct correlation between power and diazinon degradation. In addition, when the power increased, the ability to degraded diazinon increased.
Conclusion: The sonodegradation of diazinon pesticide at different concentrations and powers was successfully provided. It has been shown that APR can be used to reduce the concentration of dissolved pesticide using high frequency.
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Diazinon acoustical processor reactor initial concentration power time |
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