Epidemiological Study on Cutaneous Leishmaniasis in an Endemic Area, of Qom Province, Central Iran
Background: Cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL) is one of the most important health problems in many areas of Iran. There are two forms of the disease in Iran, anthroponotic and zoonotic CL. This study conducted to assess the epidemiological situation of CL in an endemic area of Qom Province, central Iran from Apr to Nov 2015.
Methods: The sticky paper traps and aspirating tubes were used for collecting adult sand flies. Sherman traps and small insect nets were used to capture rodents and small mammals. Giemsa staining was used for preparing the expanded smear and followed by PCR for identifying the causative agent in human, vectors, and reservoirs. In this study, relative frequency of CL was also calculated.
Results: Fourteen species of Phlebotomine sand flies were collected. Phlebotomus papatasi (61.74%) was the predominant species through the period of activity. Overall, 62 Meriones libycus, 8 Nesokia indica, 4 Mus musculus, 16 Allactaga elater and 2 Hemiechinus auritis were caught. PCR technique showed 6 out of 150 P. papatasi (2%), two out of 62 M. libycus (3.23%) and all of suspected human's skin tissue samples (100%) were infected with Leishmania major. The relative frequency of CL was 0.30%.
Conclusion: This is the first detection of L. major within P. papatasi, M. libycus and human in Kahak District in Qom Province of Iran. Zoonotic cycle of CL exists in this area, L. major is the causative agent, P. papatasi is the main vector and M. libycus is the main reservoir of the disease.
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Issue | Vol 11 No 3 (2017) | |
Section | Original Article | |
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Zoonotic cutaneous leishmaniasis Leishmania major Phlebotomus papatasi ITS1- PCR Iran |
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