Original Article

Rearing and Biology of Phlebotomus sergenti, the Main Vector of Anthroponotic Cutaneous Leishmaniasis in Iran


Background: Establishment of sand flies laboratory colonies is essential to understand various biological aspects of Phlebotominae sand flies. The aims of the current study were to establish the colony of Phlebotomus sergenti Parrot (1917), the main vector of anthroponotic cutaneous leishmaniasis in old world, and to study biological parameters of this species.
The sand flies were reared at 26–28 °C temperature, 14:10 (light: dark) photoperiod and 70–80% relative humidity. Larval diet was a composted mixture of rabbit faces and rabbit pellets which is prepared through a special process. First to fifth generations of P. sergenti were used to define biological parameters.
Results showed that, P. sergenti blood feeding percentage were 42% on chicken, 21% on BALB/c and 37% on golden hamster. Average time of blood digestion, egg incubation, 1st instar larva, pupa and adult emerging was recorded at 3.4, 8.7, 15, 33.3 and 41.2 days after blood feeding, respectively. Mean number of laid eggs was 55.1 and retained eggs were 35 per a female. Fecundity and production rate were 61.6%, and 42.2% respectively. Average longevity recorded at 15.2 days for females and 14.8 days for males.
Colony of P. sergenti has been established for the first time in Iran. Average interval time from egg to adult of this species was 32.5 days. Chicken and golden hamster were recommended as a blood source for colony initiation and routine blood feeding, respectively. 

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Phlebotomus sergenti Rearing Biology Anthroponotic cutaneous leishmaniasis Iran

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Veysi A, Yaghoobi-Ershadi MR, Rassi Y, Hosseini-Vasoukolaei N, Jeddi-Tehrani M, Rezaee-Node A, Gholampour F, Saeidi Z, Fatemi M, Arandian MH, Khamesipour A, Akhavan AA. Rearing and Biology of Phlebotomus sergenti, the Main Vector of Anthroponotic Cutaneous Leishmaniasis in Iran. J Arthropod Borne Dis. 2017;11(4):504-514.