Phlebotomine Sand Flies (Diptera: Psychodidae) in Iran and their Role on Leishmania Transmission
Sand fly research has a long history in Iran beginning with the work of Adler, Theodor and Lourie in 1930 and followed by Mesghali’s foundational taxonomic work on sand flies in 1943. Since then, research has continued unabated throughout the country and official publications report the existence of at least 44 species of sand flies (26 of the genus Phlebotomus and 18 of genus Sergentomyia) in Iran. So far, seven Phlebotomus species and one Sergentomyia species have been collected and described by Iranian researchers for the first time. Natural promastigote infection have been repeatedly found in 13 species of sand flies and modern molecular techniques are used routinely to characterize Leishmania parasite isolates from endemic areas of cutaneous and visceral leishmaniasis. Because of anthropogenic environmental modifications or human population movements, data on phlebotomine sand flies should be regularly updated and verified at least every five years by fieldwork and taxonomy in foci of leishmaniasis, to incriminate vector species of relevance to the ecology of transmission and to support development and implementation of control programs.
Adler S, Theodor O, Lourie EM (1930) On sand flies from Persia and Palestine. Bull Entomol Res. 21: 529–539.
Akhavan AA, Yaghoobi-Ershadi MR, Meh- dipour D, Abdoli H, Farzinnia B, Mohebali M, Hajjaran H (2003) Epi- demic Outbreak of Cutaneous Leish- maniasis due to Leishmania major in Ghanavat rural district, Qom Province, central Iran. Iranian J Publ Health. 32: 35–41.
Akhavan AA, Yaghoobi-Ershadi MR, Hasibi F, Jafari R, Abdoli H, Arandian MH, Soleimani H, Zahraei-Ramazani AR, Mohebali M, Hajjaran H (2007) Emer- gence of cutaneous leishmaniasis due to Leishmania major in a new focus of southern Iran. Iran J Arthropod-Borne Dis. 1: 1–8.
Akhavan AA, Yaghoobi-Ershadi MR, Kha- mesipour A, Mirhendi H, Alimo- hammadian MH, Rassi Y, Arandian MH, Jafari R, Abdoli H, Shareghi N, Ghanei M, Jalali-Zand N (2010) Dy- namics of Leishmania infection rates in Rhombomys opimus (Rodentia: Gerbillinae) population of an endemic focus of zoonotic cutaneous leish- maniasis in Iran. Bull Soc Pathol Exot.103: 84–89.
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Azizi K, Rassi Y, Javadian E, Motazedian MH, Asgari Q, Yaghoobi-Ershadi MR (2008) First detection of Leishmania infantum in Phlebotomus (Larroussius) major (Diptera: Psychodidae) from Iran. J Med Entomol. 45: 726–731.
Azizi K, Rassi Y, Javadian E, Motazedian MH, Rafizadeh S and Yaghoobi Ershadi MR, Mohebali M (2006) Phlebotomus (Paraphlebotomus) alexandri: a prob- able vector of Leishmania infantum in Iran. Ann Trop Med Parasitol. 100: 63–68.
Azizi K, Rassi Y, Moemenbellah-Fard MD (2010) PCR-based detection of Leish- mania major kDNA within naturally infected Phlebotomus papatasi in southern Iran. Trans Roy Soc Trop Med Hyg. 104: 440–442.
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Badakhshan M, Sadraei J, Moin-Vaziri V (2011b) A forward step to differentiate two morphotypes of Phlebotomus major s.l. occurring in northwest and south of Iran based on ITS2 and EF-1α characters. 7th International Sympo- sium on Phlebotomine Sand flies. 2011 April 25–30, Kusadasi, Turkey. pp.25–26.
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Hanafi Bojd AA, Yaghoobi-Ershadi MR, Zamani GH, Barzekar A, Jafari R, Poor Abazari GHR (2007) Epidmiological as- pects of cutaneous leishmaniasis in Hadjiabad, Hormozgan, Iran. Hormoz- gan Med J. 19(10): 63–70 (in Persian).
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Javadian E, Mesghali A, Nadim A (1977) Natural leptomonad infection of sand flies with its first occurrence in P. alexandri in Khuzistan Province, Iran. Ecologie de Leishmaniasis. Coll Int CNRS. 239: 203–205.
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Javadian E, Jalali-Galusang A, Seyedi-Rashti MA (1997) Sand flies of Ilam Province, west of Iran with description of two new species from the genus Phle- botomus: Ph. ilami and Ph. nadimi. Iranian J Publ Health. 26: 13–20.
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Sand flies taxonomy vectors Leishmania major Leishmania tropica Leishmania infantum Leishmaniasis Iran |
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