Short Communication

Designing and Introducing a New Artificial Feeding Apparatus for Sand Fly Rearing


Background: Due to strict ethical rules, the risk of accidental disease transmission and the most importantly, inconven­ience regarding using of live animals, artificial feeding apparatus has been developed for colonization of haematophagous insects. Rearing of sandfly is more difficult than other haematophagous insects.

Methods: In the current study, a new apparatus for membrane feeding of Phlebotomus papatasi was designed, made and compared with available apparatus in Sand Fly Insectary, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran, in 2014.

Results: In comparison to other apparatus designed for artificial feeding of other arthropods, our designed apparatus had the highest performance which after up to 1h, the majority of sand flies landed and took blood and among tested membranes, chicken skin was proved the most efficient membrane.

Conclusion: Sand fly artificial feeding apparatus can be used at least for rearing of Ph. papatasi.

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IssueVol 12 No 4 (2018) QRcode
SectionShort Communication
Phlebotomus papatasi Artificial feeding apparatus Blood-feeding insects Sandfly

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How to Cite
Fatemi M, Saeidi Z, Noruzian P, Akhavan AA. Designing and Introducing a New Artificial Feeding Apparatus for Sand Fly Rearing. J Arthropod Borne Dis. 2018;12(4):426-431.