Zingiber officinalis and Eucalyptus globulus, Potent Lethal/Repellent Agents against Rhipicephalus bursa, Probable Carrier for Zoonosis
Background: Rhipicephalus bursa is a hard tick with importance in transmission of tick-borne diseases and zoonosis. Natural products are excellent alternative to pesticides. In this study for the first time, lethal and repellent activity of Zingiber officinalis and Eucalyptus globulus against Rh. bursa were studied.
Methods: In July till September of 2017, essential oils were extracted in Shahrekord University, Iran from fresh plant materials and engorged mature ticks were collected from infested sheep herd located in Saman, Iran. Ticks were challenged by different concentrations of essential oils including 300, 500 and 800µl/ml and 1 (pure) singly and/or in combination. Percentages of killed and repellent ticks as efficacy of acaricidal and repellent activity of essential oils against Rh. bursa were calculated and analyzed statistically.
Results: Efficacy of eucalyptus essential oils was more in whole concentrations and its highest performance was observed in concentration 1 (pure). Efficacies of ginger and combined essential oils were different for each concentration but their highest efficacies were observed in concentration 1 (pure), too.
Conclusion: This study showed considerable values of acaricidal and repellent activity against Rh. bursa for both essential oils singly and in combination, so they can be considered as potent lethal/repellent agents for control of ticks, but more studies need for this purpose, study on lethal/repellent activity of these essential oils and/or other plants against other important arthropods can be considered as subjects for next experiments.
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Issue | Vol 13 No 2 (2019) | |
Section | Original Article | |
DOI | https://doi.org/10.18502/jad.v13i2.1248 | |
Keywords | ||
Acaricidal activity Essential oil Eucalyptus Ginger Repellent activity |
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