Scabies as a Neglected Tropical Disease in Iran: A Systematic Review with Me-ta-Analysis, during 2000–2022
Scabies in Iran
Background: Scabies is referred to the infestation of skin by an ectoparasite, Sarcoptes scabiei. Having considerable financial consequences, this disease is a public health concern in several countries. In this review, we aimed to determine the current status of scabies in different provinces of Iran.
Methods: Google Scholar, PubMed, Scopus, Science Direct, Scientific Information Database (SID), Sci-explore, Civilica, Magiran, Iranian Research Institute for Information Science and Technology and Elmnet databases were searched to find the related data in the time period within 2000–2022. To have a better insight into the status of prevalence of scabies in Iran, a meta-analysis and meta-regression was performed.
Results: A total of 943 relevant studies were retrieved from the databases, and 62 eligible studies met all the needed criteria for inclusion in this systematic review. Scabies was investigated and reported in at least 22 and 21 provinces of Iran respectively. Most of the studies were conducted in Tehran, Razavi Khorasan, Hormozgan, Fars and Guilan Provinces. Positive samples of scabies belonged to humans, sheep, goats, dogs, rabbits, mice and gazelles. Meta-analysis showed that the overall estimated presence of scabies in Iran during 2000–2022 was 7% (95% CI 4.7–10.3%, P< 0.001).
Conclusion: Infestations due to S. scabiei in Iran occur in different geographical locations and different climates. As a neglected tropical disease, the literature about the burden of scabies in Iran is inadequate. The present review highlights the importance of development of comprehensive strategies for the diagnosis and control of scabies, especially the provinces with high infestation rates.
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Scabies; Sarcoptosis; Sarcoptes scabiei; Ectoparasites; Iran |
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